In case you have lost or damaged your Global Entry card, or it has been stolen from you, you need to get a replacement. This is a fairly simple process and is not the same as getting a renewal. The expiration date on your new card will be the same as on your new card.
How Do I get a Global Entry card replacement?
Please follow these 2 steps:
- Step 1: Download the replacement application form, fill it out and send it back to us either via e-mail: or to our fax: 1-832-201-9600
- Step 2: Click on the payment button to pay the service fee of 49.95 USD through CCBill.
Global Entry Card Replacement Costs
Our fee for Replacing your Global Entry card is $49.95. It is payable through our payment processor CCBill. In addition, there is a $25 government fee. We will pay it on your behalf using the credit card included on your replacement application form. The total cost of your replacement is $74.95
What happens next?
Once we complete the replacement in your TTP profile and it is approved, you will receive your new card in the mail within 10 business days. You need to activate it upon receipt.
Before purchasing the Global Entry card replacement service, please refer to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.